Tri-Color Quinoa

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What makes a quinoa "top Rated" in your mind? In my experience, it's really about knowing the product as much as you can before making a purchase. This means knowing what the crop looks like, how it's grown, and most importantly, how it's processed. Here are some of the criteria used to rate quinoa as the best tasting, highest quality, and lowest priced crop available on the market today:

Quinoa is graded by color: White, Yellow, or Blue. All other colors are categorized as inferior grades that provide lesser nutrients. This year, several organizations have designed an improved modernized, technological system and a set of new algorithms to select and label the best-rated quinoa, thus far.

The tri color quinoa is graded by grade: High, Middle, and Low. The High-Quality category is the highest grade available in North America. (Quinoa is sold in other countries, but the quality is not the same.) Middle-Quality quinoa has all of the necessary nutrients for people to build healthy muscle tissue and maintain a healthy brain but is not as rich in taste as the High-Quality type.

Colorless quinoa, also known as "irgin" quinoa, is a lower grade than the above-mentioned white color but is close to the white color variety in taste. Colorless quinoa lacks nutrients that the other two colors are rich in, but does not lack for flavor. It is sold for slightly less than the white color. This type is recommended for vegetarians.

Yellow-colored grains are not as abundant as the other colors, and therefore they are more difficult to find. Yellow-colored quinoa is the lowest-quality grain and is commonly used for animal feeds and animal/herb soup mixes. Since it lacks nutrients, it is also somewhat pricey. However, some distributors do offer it at a bargain price; however, this variety is typically not suitable for vegetarians. For this reason, those looking to save money should avoid yellow-quality quinoa. View here to get the best tri color quinoa recipe.

In general, buying tri-color quinoa is like shopping for any other kind of grain. Choose the right retailer and order your food. Also, be sure to read the nutrition facts on the back of the packaging to make sure that you are getting enough protein, vitamins, and minerals to support your diet. Check the fiber content of the grains as well. And, of course, remember to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables along with your main source of protein to keep your body healthy. For more details about this subject, click here: